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 Jean Monnet Chair 

Andre den Exter 1201-2.GIF

André den Exter (1966) is a lecturer in health law at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. André holds a Ph.D. in law. He is the holder of a Jean Monnet Chair of Global Health Law and has held several visiting (associate) professorships in international and European health law, including one at Danylo Medical University Lviv (Ukraine), and another at the National School of Public Health, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal). He has recently edited a handbook entitled European Health Law, published by Maklu Press Antwerp (2017) and covering the main aspects of health law from a European perspective.


A.P. den Exter. Health care law-making in Central and Eastern Europe. Review of a legal-theoretical model. Diss. (Intersentia, Antwerpen 2002)


A.P. den Exter and J. Sandor (eds), Frontiers of Health Law (Erasmus University Press Rotterdam 2003)


A.P. den Exter (ed.), EU accession and its consequences for candidate countries’ health care systems (Erasmus University Press, Rotterdam 2004)


A.P. den Exter (ed), Competitive social health insurance and EC competition law (Erasmus University Press, Rotterdam 2005)


A. den Exter (red.), De Euthanasiewet: grondrechten onder druk? (Damon, Budel 2006)


A. den Exter (red.), Gelijkheid en recht op zorg (Ars Aequi Libri 2007)


A. den Exter (ed.), International Health Law. Solidarity and Justice in Health Care (Maklu, Antwerpen 2008)


A. den Exter (ed.), Human Rights and Biomedicine (Maklu, Antwerpen 2010)


A. den Exter (ed.), International Trade and Health Care. In search of Good Sense (Erasmus University Press, Rotterdam 2010)


A. den Exter and M. Buijsen (eds.), Health Care Rationing, Hard Choices and Trade Offs (Maklu Press 2012)

A. den Exter and Tamara Hervey, European Union Health Law. Treaties and Legislation (Maklu, Antwerp 2012)

A. den Exter and M. Földes, Casebook on EU Health law (Maklu, Antwerp 2014)


A. den Exter, International Health Law and Ethics. Basic Documents (3rd ed. Maklu, Antwerpen 2015)


A. den Exter (ed.), European Health Law (Maklu Antwerp 2017)


A. den Exter (ed.), Cross-border health care and European Union law (EUR 2017)

A.den Exter, EU Global Health Law, Erasmus University Press 2020

Articles (since 2010)

A. den Exter, ‘The Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry: Hamlet in a Nutshell’, (2010) European J Health Law, no. 2 pp. 125-138


A. den Exter, ‘Health Care System Reforms in the Netherlands: from public to private and its effects on equal access to health care (2010) European J Health Law no. 3, pp 223-233


A. den Exter. ‘Personalised Medicine and Access to Genetic Technologies’, Law and the Human Genome Review (2010) July / December, pp. 49 64


A. den Exter, ‘Cost-Effectiveness and Health Law’, Int J Law and Medicine (2014) 285-297


A. den Exter, ‘Het Biogeneeskundeverdrag en de gevolgen voor de Nederlandse gezondheidszorgwetgeving’ (NJCM-Bulletin 2011, no. 6/7), 673-688


A. den Exter, ‘Embryonic screening as a European human right’ Letters to the editor (2013)J FamPlannReprod Health Care 39:152-153


A. den Exter. First FCTC Case in the Netherlands, Public Health 127 (2013) 970-971


A den Exter, ‘The Patient Mobility Saga Continues – The Petru Case’, Croatian Medical Journal (2014) 55: 441-442


Andre den Exter, and Mary Guy, ‘Market Competition in Health Care Markets in The Netherlands: Some Lessons for England?’, Medical Law Review (2014) 255-273


A. den Exter, ‘Justiciability of the right to health care’, Medical Law (2014) 2, p. 37-47


A. den Exter, A, Santuari, T Sokol, ‘One year after the EU Patient Mobility Directive: A Three country-analysis’, Eur. Law Rev. (2015)2; 279-293


A. den Exter, book review European law and new health technologies, ML Flear, and others (eds) OUP 2013, Eur. Law Rev. (2015) 469-471


A. den Exter, annotatie ‘Off-label geneesmiddelgebruik en de redelijkheid en billijkheid’, L&S 2015 (1) 34-36


A. den Exter, ‘Opinion. Embryonic stem cell patents at European top court’, EurJHuman Genetics (2015)1, 1


A. den Exter, ‘Homosexuals and blood donation: A delicate issue for the EU Court of Justice’, Blood Donation (2015) Sept 24, p. 1-4


A. den Exter, ‘Viewpoint The Impact of Health Care Market Reforms on Health Care Access in The Netherlands’, Bioethica Forum(2015) no 3, 100-101


A den Exter, ‘The right to Health Care’, Medical Law (2015) 2, p. 139-155


A. den Exter and A Goryainov, ‘Guidelines for reviewing national public health law, Medical Law 2 (2017), p 11-22


A. den Exter, ‘Regulating Organ Donation and Transplantation under European Union Law: A Success Story?’ J of  Trafficking and Human exploitation vol 1 no 2 (125-137) (2017)


A. den Exter, Case note. Medical Professionals as Digital Marketeers and the Advertising Ban: Case C-339/15, Openbaar Ministerie v. Luc Vanderborght, Judgment of the Court of Justice European Union (third chamber) of 4 May 2017, EU:C:2017:335, J Medicine, Law and Ethics (Winter 2017) 3 (115-122)

A. den Exter, EU Global Health Law, Medical Law (2019) 17-38

A den Exter, F􏰋􏰌􏰉􏰈􏰋􏰅􏰌Fighting excessive pharmaceutical pricing. Evaluating the options, EJHL 2020 


A. den Exter, P Lobato de Faria, Why age-based rationing is not necessarily evil, JMLE (2019)3:227-230

A. den Exter, When tying up becomes inhumane and degrading treatment, 2020

A. den Exter, Health professionals mobility, mode 3

A. den Exter, Medical Expulsion rulings, 2020

A. den Exter, Abbvie en maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid, 2023


Dure geneesmiddelen, (ND 16 nov. 2017)

Corona Patent Pool, ND (2020)

Triage op de IC : is leeftijdsdiscriminatie geoorloofd? RDG 2020


Events with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Online course (open access) EU global health law starts
26 February - 28 April 2018
Course director: Andre den Exter
topics: global health; public health; patient mobility; professional mobility; data protectionpharmaceuticals; competition law
Health care rationing conference ENSP Lisbon December 2018, book of abstracts

Seminar EU and Global Health Law and its relevance to Bulgaria, 17 October 2018

Seminar Global Health and Human Rights


Date: 18 July 2019

Venue: Erasmus Law School, Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands)


Erasmus Health Law Observatory, Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands) &

IDIVAL, University of Cantabria (Spain)

Online course (open access) EU global health law starts
18 February - 29 April 2019
Course director: Andre den Exter
Seminar Precision medicine 24 December ENSP, Lisbon
Online course (open access) EU global health law starts
17 February - 21 April 2020
Course director: Andre den Exter
Oviedo meeting Kiev, November 2019
Santander conference, Health care rationing, 16 May 2019
Seminar health care behind bars, 16 January 2020, ENSP Lisbon
Conference EU Global Health Law 1 September 2020 (cancelled due to Covid-19) replaced by EPHA seminar 
Zoom lecture Covid-19 and IC Triage, 9 November 2020 Lviv University 
Zoom lecture Vaccines, ENSP 16 December 2020
Zoom lecture EU Pharmaceutical law, ENSP 10 January 2021

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